Thursday, October 11, 2012

Step 3 : Good Sleep

All of you sometimes may have had trouble sleeping,
some of you for a short time and some others for a long time. All the people that want to make a beautiful and healthy body, should have a healthy sleep. 
Sleeping is very important for your body and for your health.

Here are a few tips for a good sleeping at night :

1) Avoid meat and foods with high fat 3-5 hours before sleep. ( Eat vegetables and avoid any food 2 hours before bed.)

2) Keep a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day.

3) Exercise every day but don't make any physical activity 3 hours before sleep.

4) See a boring movie or read a boring book before sleep.

5) Keep your room cold enough if you can. Best temperature is 18-22°C or 65-72°F.

6) Focus on your breathing for a few minutes and try to relax your body, if you don't sleep for a night is not that you are going to die. If you don't sleep, relax , close your eyes and focus only in your breathing.

7) Stop taking sleeping pills.

Building your body in a right way may be a little hard , but is the best way and it will last 
                                                                                                               forever !

1 comment:

  1. wow nice information....thanks
